Sylvie Bonnot / L'arbre machine, un monde en mue


For several years, Sylvie Bonnot has been conducting plastic and documentary research on French forests, collecting images in mainland France and French Guiana. The great differences that characterize them are here related to bear witness to a landscape and industrial complexity.

Published by Loco

22.2 x 32 cm
148 pages

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For several years, Sylvie Bonnot has been conducting plastic and documentary research on French forests, collecting images in mainland France and French Guiana. The great differences that characterize them are here related to bear witness to a landscape and industrial complexity.

Published by Loco

22.2 x 32 cm
148 pages

For several years, Sylvie Bonnot has been conducting plastic and documentary research on French forests, collecting images in mainland France and French Guiana. The great differences that characterize them are here related to bear witness to a landscape and industrial complexity.

Published by Loco

22.2 x 32 cm
148 pages

Audrey Guttman / Making Arrangements
Anys Reimann / Body of meaning
Stephan Vanfleteren / Atelier
Vincent Zanni / Sights of Unary
Antoine de Winter/Blindfolded