Elliott Erwitt / Photo Poche n°35


Elliott Erwitt is a photographer with a sense of humour: coincidence and chance encounters are for him winks at the ridiculous or the comical.

Published by Actes Sud

12.5 x 18.9 cm
88 pages

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Elliott Erwitt is a photographer with a sense of humour: coincidence and chance encounters are for him winks at the ridiculous or the comical.

Published by Actes Sud

12.5 x 18.9 cm
88 pages

Elliott Erwitt is a photographer with a sense of humour: coincidence and chance encounters are for him winks at the ridiculous or the comical.

Published by Actes Sud

12.5 x 18.9 cm
88 pages

Jason Fulford and Gregory Halpern / The Photographer's Playbook
Marine Lanier / Le Jardin d'Hannibal
Ecrits sur l’image
Stéphane Duroy / Photo Poche n°176
Wright Morris / Fragments de temps