Catalogue Mirror of Self


What is the status of the self-portrait in the world of contemporary photography? And in the realm of selfies, what does the artistic practice of self-portraiture still represent? Through various projects and artistic approaches, Mirror of Self questions the representation of oneself, whether in a quest for identity, a relationship to one's environment, to others or to oneself.

The practice of self-portraiture in the 21st century will be a testimony of an era and the mirror of a society undergoing profound change. Today, as we view these projects, we will sometimes find ourselves face not only with ourselves, but also with our inner questionings. And when that happens, Mirror of Self will take on its full meaning.

With photo works of: Romy Berger - Elina Brotherus - Gabriel Dia - Omar Victor Diop - Julia Gat - Liu Haohui - Laura Hospes - Barbara Iweins - Mari Katayama - Tarrah Krajnak - Auriane Kolodziej - Tomasz Machcinski - Sanja Marušić - Bruno Oliveira - Paola Paredes - Louka Perderizet - Kourtney Roy - C. Rose Smith - Annegret Soltau - The Dazzled Project - Jeong Yunsoon - Karolina Wojtas - Dawn Woolley.

Published by Hangar Publisher
English, French and Dutch

18.5 x 23.5
126 pages

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What is the status of the self-portrait in the world of contemporary photography? And in the realm of selfies, what does the artistic practice of self-portraiture still represent? Through various projects and artistic approaches, Mirror of Self questions the representation of oneself, whether in a quest for identity, a relationship to one's environment, to others or to oneself.

The practice of self-portraiture in the 21st century will be a testimony of an era and the mirror of a society undergoing profound change. Today, as we view these projects, we will sometimes find ourselves face not only with ourselves, but also with our inner questionings. And when that happens, Mirror of Self will take on its full meaning.

With photo works of: Romy Berger - Elina Brotherus - Gabriel Dia - Omar Victor Diop - Julia Gat - Liu Haohui - Laura Hospes - Barbara Iweins - Mari Katayama - Tarrah Krajnak - Auriane Kolodziej - Tomasz Machcinski - Sanja Marušić - Bruno Oliveira - Paola Paredes - Louka Perderizet - Kourtney Roy - C. Rose Smith - Annegret Soltau - The Dazzled Project - Jeong Yunsoon - Karolina Wojtas - Dawn Woolley.

Published by Hangar Publisher
English, French and Dutch

18.5 x 23.5
126 pages

What is the status of the self-portrait in the world of contemporary photography? And in the realm of selfies, what does the artistic practice of self-portraiture still represent? Through various projects and artistic approaches, Mirror of Self questions the representation of oneself, whether in a quest for identity, a relationship to one's environment, to others or to oneself.

The practice of self-portraiture in the 21st century will be a testimony of an era and the mirror of a society undergoing profound change. Today, as we view these projects, we will sometimes find ourselves face not only with ourselves, but also with our inner questionings. And when that happens, Mirror of Self will take on its full meaning.

With photo works of: Romy Berger - Elina Brotherus - Gabriel Dia - Omar Victor Diop - Julia Gat - Liu Haohui - Laura Hospes - Barbara Iweins - Mari Katayama - Tarrah Krajnak - Auriane Kolodziej - Tomasz Machcinski - Sanja Marušić - Bruno Oliveira - Paola Paredes - Louka Perderizet - Kourtney Roy - C. Rose Smith - Annegret Soltau - The Dazzled Project - Jeong Yunsoon - Karolina Wojtas - Dawn Woolley.

Published by Hangar Publisher
English, French and Dutch

18.5 x 23.5
126 pages

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