De Anima

De Anima is a collective founded in 2019 between Paris and Brussels (FR/BE). Composed of artists, craftsmen and researchers (Alexandre Carril, Raphaëlle Carril, Jimme Cloo, Guillaume Duclos, Adrien Gelin, Alphonse Maitrepierre, and Alice Pallot), it works on multidisciplinary creations interacting architecture, design, fashion design, video, photography and biophysics. Through an experimental approach, and in a desire to decompartmentalise media, the collective explores the relationship that human beings have with nature and the living. Since its creation, it has been interested in the theme of the mushroom, its production and aesthetics (film Mycelia 753, 2020, Cité Maraîchère de Romainville - FR), but also its properties (installation Noir d’encre, 2022, Hangar). Their installation "O.M.O. - Oyster Mushroom Orchestra" was presented in 2022 at Unbound (Unseen Amsterdam, NL) and at Hangar in the collective exhibition “Echoes of Tomorrow” in 2023.